Aster Shimeles is the principal for Grades 1-4, which are situated on the school’s original site (the ‘Old Land’). She is a former student of the school, so understands our aims and ethos. She is adding a welcome feminine touch of efficiency, order and organization to the whole campus.
Teshome Tesfa-Woldegiorgis, a retired headmaster of a government school, is in charge of teacher development on the ‘New Land’ (Grades 5-8).
Negash is in charge of music, and heavily into sport, for grades 5-8. He is also a former student so understands everything we are trying to do from personal experience. He is amazingly enthusiastic and great with the kids. both boys’ and girls’ teams – volleyball, football and athletics – have been very successful in recent years, which has done so much both for their sense of self-esteem and for that of the school as a whole.
Sanayet Aklilu, Asfaw’s wife, is the school’s administrator. As they say, ‘behind every great man is an even greater woman’!
Yeshi Seife, our accountant, is a former pupil of the school. Originally, she was the school librarian, but several years ago she retrained and is a fully qualified accountant who keeps the school’s finances in perfect order.
All images copyright of Asra Hawariat School Fund